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Any protagonist can pick up a prostitute. They can be found only at night and mostly in Los Santos. Several can also be found in Sandy Shores and Paleto Bay.
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To attain 100% completion of the game you need to receive a prostitute service at least once. Near the first Franklin’s house, you can usually meet a couple of undemanding girls.
Sex with prostitutes increases protagonists’ stamina and restores health.
How to Pick Up a Hooker

You need a proper vehicle. Motorcycles, rusted and broken cars, buses, trucks, emergency vehicles etc. are unsuitable. Also, don’t forget about protagonists’ appearance. You shouldn’t try to pick up a hooker in underwear only or, for example, in a women’s outfit.
To pick up a prostitute, you need to stop the car near her. You need to drive up at low speed, otherwise, the girl will be frightened. When she will pay attention to the protagonist, honk the horn or press the action button. The prostitute will get into the car and you will need to take her to a secluded spot, such as where you would be hiding from the police.
When you find a suitable place, the protagonist will turn off the car’s headlights and turn on the cabin’s light, and then the girl will name the price list. Blowjob costs $50; traditional sex — $70; traditional sex, outwardly no different from the previous option — $100.

During sex, you will not be able to see anything and switch between first-person and third-person views.
You can get three services at once maximum, after which the prostitute will tell you that she needs a break and will leave.
- Prostitutes often ask the protagonist to meet them again, but they never give their phone numbers, unlike the strippers.
- NPCs can also pick up prostitutes. Unlike GTA IV, where the NPC with the prostitute just drive away, in GTA V they will find a secluded place and will have sex.
- If you stop next to a prostitute and do nothing for a long time, she will ask you to leave. If you don’t leave after that or behave aggressively, she can call the police or run away.